Have you heard this from people, “Millet is bad for thyroid”, “Millet can affect your thyroid gland” etc? On the other side of what people speak about the relationship between millet and thyroid is also - “Millet will help with your thyroid”, “Have millet for thyroid”.
These statements are highly contradictory to each other and this is what creates a lot of confusion among consumers about whether to consume millet with thyroid or not. Or even sometimes, new users fear the use of millet grain because of the fear of disturbing their normally functioning thyroid gland.
Millet and Thyroid: The Love-Hate Relationship
The benefits of millet are discussed quite rarely. And it's rarer to discuss the micronutrients. Micronutrients are essentially the compounds that make the compound what it is. These nutrients can have various effects on the body. But at the end of the day, it depends on the body more than the nutrient about how the effect would be.
According to reports, the micronutrient present in millet grain called Goitrogens is supposed to be avoided with people who have an underactive thyroid. This means that millet grain can affect the functioning of the thyroid gland which is underperforming its capacity. This condition is also called hypothyroidism.
In fact, it's not just millet grain that is not advisable for hypothyroidism but other whole grains too. The human body takes a longer time to digest whole grains and break them down into energy. Foods like oats, brown rice, sprouts, sprouted grain bread are recommended for this condition.
But on the other hand, people also suffer from an overactive thyroid gland which is also known as the condition of Hyperthyroidism. This condition can deplete the zinc resources in the body which can lead to growth retardation, impaired immune function, loss of appetite and more. Therefore, according to reports, the use of millet grain in the diet of those who have overactive thyroid functioning can benefit from the same.
The Conclusion
Read here about all the benefits of millet.
Therefore, to conclude, researches show that the food you consume should be tailored to your own specific needs and stereotyping foods as beneficial or harmful is scientifically incorrect