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Shriya Sarang

The Medicinal Uses of Foxtail Millet

Updated: May 19, 2022

Millet is a gluten-free whole grain that is a great replacement for rice, especially in your weight loss journey. Not only that but the millet seed is one of the first foods which is introduced to a baby in the form of pastes and porridges.

Apart from these special uses, millet is a rich source of iron, calcium, protein, dietary fiber and vitamin B6 according to reports. This means that it is a great alternative to switch to for improving your health. Millets are the millennial's must-haves.

Foxtail millet contains significant levels of protein, fiber, minerals and phytochemicals. Anti-nutrients such as phytic acid and tannin present in this millet can be reduced to negligible levels by using suitable processing methods.

The millet seed is also reported to possess a low-glycemic index and antioxidant characteristics. It has many medicinal uses and can help us in the following ways -

Stronger Bones -

Foxtail millets are an excellent source of iron and calcium which play a pivotal role in maintaining the health of bones and muscles.

Stronger Nervous System -

It is also known to help with Alzheimer’s and other chronic diseases.

Boosts Cardiac Health-

Millets are in general popular for maintaining good heart health.

Manages Diabetes-

Foxtail millet is an absolutely great substitute to rice as it keeps you satiated for longer hours.

Lowers Bad Cholesterol-

The presence of threonine prevents fatty liver, further decreasing the levels of bad cholesterol.

Furthermore, millet grain is also considered to be an under-utilized grain when it comes to consumption in the diet of individuals, according to reports. The superfood millet comes with a lot of perks along with being exceptionally high in nutritional value and there’s no doubt about whether you should think of buying it or not. To conclude, when you are looking to have a bowl of nutrition, fill it with Incept’s millet available on Amazon.

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